Our Little Church DIY:
HTML Hello World

With almost all programming languages, the first program to write is Hello World.

Hello World:

The web page starts with an opening <html> tag and ends with a closing </html> tag. Next are the <head> opening and closing lt;/head>tags. Normally the TITLE, META definitions, links to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and links to JavaScript are between the <head> tags. There are the opening <body> and closing </body> tags, and as the name implies, it is the body of the web-page. The <h1> tags are the largest HTML headings. The <p> tags are for the paragraphs. There are several more tags available in HTML, but we will focus on the basics right now.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h1>Hello World</h1>
        <p>This is my first HTML web-page.</p>

Creating Web Page:

At this point we assume you have met the requirements to work on HTML. These instructions assume you are using a PC compatible computer.

  • Create MyWeb Create MyWeb folder within Documents folder.
  • HTML Editor Open the HTML editor (example NotePad++ or Dreamweaver).
  • Copy and Paste Copy everything from the opening <html> through the closing </html>. Paste this into the HTML Editor.
  • Save document Within the HTML editor Save the document into MyWeb of Documents and call it HelloWorld.html
  • Open the web page Open the web page by going to Documents >> MyWeb >> HelloWorld.html and double click the file. The file should open in a browser.

I hope you found that to be easy creating a web page.