There are 2 common methods to allow the website designer to populate the web pages. The first is to have a web developer design the web pages in HTML. The second is to use Content Management System (CMS).
Written For Christ is trying a different approach. We have web developer/programmer design a website template with constants. This way the client mainly changes the content assigned to the constant.
The constants are in files located at: /src/constant/
Select and Modify Files
Below is the first portion of the file churchConfiguration.php, which uses "Define" to define the constants. The first item in the quotes is the name of the constant. The second item in the quotes is the value of the constant. Do not change the constant name, only modify the constant value.
* This is the church information portion of the church web-pages.
* Please update these constants to match your church.
* Author: John Fischer III of Written For Christ in 2021
* Updated:
/* The CHURCH_FULL_NAME is used in the footer, thus there is room for
* the complete name*/
Define('CHURCH_FULL_NAME', 'Our Little Church');
/* The CHURCH_ABBREV_NAME is used in the web page header section
* thus space is limited*/
Define('CHURCH_ABBREV_NAME','Our Little Church');
/* The CHURCH_INITIALS is used in the title (tab for browser). */
/* The CHURCH_URL is used for links. Do not add the trailing '/' */
Define ('CHURCH_URL', '');